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Streamlining Your Workflow: How to Connect Spreadsheets and Python Scripts with CalcTree's banner

Streamlining Your Workflow: How to Connect Spreadsheets and Python Scripts with CalcTree

In today's data-driven world, the ability to efficiently manipulate and analyse data is crucial for any engineering project. Spreadsheets are commonly used for data entry and basic analysis due to their user-friendly interface, while Python is a powerful tool for more complex data processing and automation.
Combining the capabilities of spreadsheets with the flexibility of Python scripting can significantly enhance your workflow. In this article, we'll explore how to connect spreadsheets and Python scripts in CalcTree to streamline your engineering calculation workflow, using the example of our Timber Nailed Joint Designer to AS 1720.1.

Why Connect Spreadsheets and Python?

Spreadsheets and Python each have their own strengths as well as weaknesses.
Spreadsheets, are widely used in various industries and are intuitive for data entry and visualisation. You can easily organise data in the "visual" tabulated interface, from which common data manipulation can be performed.
Python on the other had, has several benefits:
  1. Third-party libraries; these are perhaps the biggest strength of programming languages - there is a wealth of awesome libraries (pre-written code) that we can use to speed up our scripting and increase drastically expand the functionality of code. Most libraries are open-source and free to use in a commercial context. In the context of Python, there are some libraries that enable more efficient data manipulation likes Pandas while some support specific engineering applications like OpenSeesPy.
  2. Scalability, big datasets are painfully slow to process and use in spreadsheets. Any programming language is simply a way to write instructions for your computer to perform similar processes. In this way, it unlocks the speed and efficiency of your computer making it much faster to process and manipulate data.
  1. Flexibility, Python offers more functionality for data analysis than spreadsheets. For example, 'for' and 'while' cycles are useful functions to replicate formulas under certain conditions. Excel does not support an equivalent function, and so you have to execute the formula each time in a new cell.
By connecting spreadsheets and Python scripts, you can leverage the strengths of both platforms.

How to Connect Spreadsheets and Python

Outside of CalcTree, there are several ways to connect spreadsheets and Python scripts. Here are three common methods:

1: Using Python Libraries

Python libraries such as "pandas", "openpyxl", and "xlrd" provide functionality to read from and write to Excel files directly within Python scripts.
For example, using the "pandas" Python library to interact with an Excel file:

2: Using APIs

Some spreadsheet applications, such as Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, offer APIs that allow you to interact with spreadsheet data programmatically. You can use these APIs to read from and write to spreadsheets using Python scripts.
For example, using the "gspread" Python library to interact with Google Sheets:

3: Using Python Scripts as Macros

Some spreadsheet applications allow you to run Python scripts as macros within the spreadsheet environment.
For example, using the "xlwings" Python library to interact with Excel:

Connecting Spreadsheets and Python with CalcTree

CalcTree, is a calculation management platform. You can sign-up and build hosted, shareable web apps (complete with an API and a web publishing module) with tools like Python and Spreadsheets. Learn more here!
In this example we will compute the modification factor

of a timber member in accordance with AS 1720.1. We will define input parameters in Excel using validation lists and execute the

calculation using Python.
Below outlines the steps to connect spreadsheets and python with CalcTree.

Step 1: Add a Spreadsheet Integration to CalcTree

In CalcTree, add a "Spreadsheet" source using the Integrations panel on the right-hand side of your page.
Select Spreadsheet from the integrations panel

Step 2: Map the Input Parameters into CalcTree

Click on the spreadsheet source in the Integrations panel to open up the spreadsheet 'source viewer', which is a view of the spreadsheet that appears at the bottom of your page. In the source viewer, map the required inputs to your CalcTree page by clicking on the "+" in each cell.
Select a required cell and click on "+" to map the parameter onto your CalcTree page

Alternatively you can map whole tables onto your page.
Select more then one cell and click on "+" to map tables onto your CalcTree page

For our example, I have mapped the following table with input parameters onto the page:

Step 3: Add Python Integration to CalcTree

In CalcTree, add a "Code" source using the Integrations panel on the right-hand side of your page.
Select Code from the integrations panel

Step 4: Define Input Parameters in Python

Click on the Code source in the Integrations panel to open up the Python 'source viewer', which is a view of the Python script that appears at the bottom of your page. Use the "_page_" prefix to match input parameters in Python with CalcTree’s page parameters. Assign these to new variables in your script for clarity.
Assigning inputs in CalcTree's Python 'source viewer' using your page parameters

Step 5: Define the logic in Python to calculate

Defining logic in CalcTree's Python 'source viewer'

Step 6: Add Output Python Parameters to CalcTree Page

Your output parameters will appear in the integrations panel on the right-hand side of your page, in the page parameter list under Code source. To add these to your page, you can simply click and drag them to the page.
This will display the results of your Python code on the page for the user to see.
Click and drag output parameters from the integrations panel onto your CalcTree page

For our example, I have brought the

output parameter onto the page:


Your calculation is ready! View the complete timber nail calculation at the live link here.


Spreadsheets are intuitive for data entry and visualisation, but they can be limited when it comes to complex analysis and automation. Python, on the other hand, provides extensive libraries for data manipulation and can deal much more efficiently with large datasets. By connecting spreadsheets and Python scripts, you can leverage the strengths of both platforms. CalcTree provides a user-friendly no-code cloud environment to connect the two. The result, is a powerful web-based app!