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Embedding Spreadsheet Values in Reports with CalcTree

Traditional report writing commonly uses Microsoft Word or Bluebeam to generate long documents, particularly in industries like engineering and finance. However, the static nature of the embedded data in these programs poses a significant challenge as the report cannot immediately update to reflect changes in values coming from other softwares, like Excel.
This issue is overcome with CalcTree however, which enables you to incorporate live calculation values from spreadsheet and Python scripts into your reports. This ensures that the data in your report is always up to date. The days of manual updates to static report values are over!

What is CalcTree?

CalcTree, is a calculation management platform. You can sign-up and build hosted, shareable web apps and web reports (complete with an API and a web publishing module) with tools like Python and Spreadsheets. Learn more here!

In this article, we'll explore how to embed spreadsheet values in reports in CalcTree to streamline your documentation process, using the example of an embodied carbon calculation.

Let's explore the three basic steps to embed spreadsheet values in reports using CalcTree

Step 1: Create your report text

Type "/" on your CalcTree page to open up the list of page components. Add text, headings, bullet points and columns to layout your report however you please.
Type "/" on your CalcTree page to open up the command menu

Step 2: Add a Spreadsheet Integration to CalcTree

In CalcTree, add a "Spreadsheet" source using the Integrations panel on the right-hand side of your page.
Select Spreadsheet from the integrations panel

Step 3: Map the Parameters into CalcTree

Click on the spreadsheet source in the Integrations panel to open up the spreadsheet 'source viewer', which is a view of the spreadsheet that appears at the bottom of your page. In the source viewer, map the required inputs to your CalcTree page by clicking on the "+" in each cell. The input parameter will appear on your CalcTree page. You can add values, tables and charts.
Map any values, tables and charts from your Spreadsheet to your CalcTree report page.

Rearrange the text and parameter components on your page however you like. Your dynamic report is ready!

Example Report with Embedded Spreadsheet Values

The XYZ project is a 25-storey commercial tower with steel frame, composite floors, concrete core and piled foundations. The gross internal area of the tower is

. In summary, the total structural embodied carbon is

kgCO2e/m2. Accounted for by the

kgCO2e/m2 and

These values are based on the material quantities from the structural Revit model and carbon factors as per IStructE. Breakdown of the structural components is provided below.

👉Try updating the GIA or material quantities to automatically update your report values. You can also easily print your report at any time with the Print button in the top right hand corner of your CalcTree page.


CalcTree transforms the way reports are written by ensuring that the data contained inside them is always current and accurate. This dynamic approach not only increases efficiency but also improves report dependability. Whether you are in engineering or other industries, CalcTree provides a power tool for effortlessly integrating current spreadsheet numbers into your report.

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