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Acceleration of a Simple Harmonic Motion Calculator (related to the displacement)

This calculator calculates the instantaneous acceleration of an object undergoing simple harmonic motion (SHM), as a function of it's displacement from the equilibrium position.







  1. Displacement (
    : The displacement of the object undergoing SHM from it's equilibrium position
  1. Frequency (
    ): The number of oscillations per second
    of the object undergoing SHM. A frequency of
    means that one complete cycle of the wave occurs every second
  1. Acceleration (
    ): The acceleration of the object undergoing SHM when the object is at distance
    from it's equilibrium position


Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a fundamental concept in mechanics and physics, serving as a model for various motions such as spring oscillations and pendulum swings.
The equations for the displacement

, velocity

and acceleration

of an object undergoing simple harmonic motion at time

are given by:

x(t)=A×cos(ωt)v(t)=A×ω×sin(ωt)a(t)=A×ω2×cos(ωt)x(t)=A\times \cos(\omega t)\\v(t)=-A\times\omega\times \sin(\omega t)\\a(t)=-A\times \omega^2\times \cos(\omega t)
  1. Angular velocity (
    ): The rate of change of the motion's phase
    is given by:
    . A higher angular velocity will lead to steeper and more rapid oscillations
  1. Time (
    ): The point in time at which the displacement, velocity and acceleration is calculated
  2. Amplitude (
    ): The maximum range of oscillatory motion
We can see that the velocity

is the first derivative of the object's displacement and the acceleration

is the second derivate of the object's displacement (or the first derivative of the object's velocity). We can re-write the acceleration

in terms of the displacement


a(t)=ω2×x(t)a(t)=-\omega^2\times x(t)
Acceleration vs time graph of Simple Harmonic Motion of a spring

This calculator has applications such as:
  1. Physics and engineering education, especially in wave mechanics and oscillations
  1. Mechanical engineering for the design of springs, pendulums, and oscillatory systems
  1. Research in areas like seismology and acoustics

Related Resources

  1. Acceleration of a Simple Harmonic Motion Calculator
  1. Damped Harmonic Motion Energy Loss Calculator
  1. Frequency of a Simple Harmonic Motion Calculator
  2. Simple Harmonic Motion Calculator
  3. Time Period of a Simple Harmonic Motion Calculator
  4. Velocity of a Simple Harmonic Motion Calculator
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  1. Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2014). Fundamentals of Physics (10th ed.). Wiley.
  2. Tipler, P. A., & Mosca, G. (2008). Physics for Scientists and Engineers (6th ed.). W.H. Freeman and Company.
  3. Young, H. D., & Freedman, R. A. (2012). University Physics with Modern Physics (13th ed.). Pearson.