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LaTex equations

Latex equations enable mathematical notation on pages. These equations will not carry out calculations but are used to represent mathematical relations. Two types of LaTex equations can be used:
  1. block LaTex equations
block LaTex equations are the only item on a line

  1. inline LaTex equations
you can insert inline LaTex in the middle of text, like the later equation

How to add a LaTex equation

To insert a LaTex equation, select LaTex equation from the / command menu. Start by typing /equation anywhere on the page:
type /eq to insert a LaTex equation

  1. An empty LaTex equation will be added
  2. You can type supported LaTex syntax in the equation editor
  3. If you don't know the LaTex syntax, you can get started quickly by inserting a sample equation
use sample LaTex equations to get started quickly

Set left, right, or middle justification

  1. Use the equation block toolbar to change block justification, move the equation block into a column, edit the equation, or delete it.
click on LaTex equation to access the toolbar

Insert LaTex equations while typing text

You can insert LaTex equations as you type text. If you type $$ , anything you type afterwards will be considered LaTex syntax. You can end the equation by typing another double dollar. See it in action:

Convert text to LaTex equation

If you highlight text, you will see a toolbar with different formatting options. You can click the

icon on the toolbar to make the highlighted text interpreted as LaTex:

LaTex equation examples

To calculate the roots of a second-degree polynomial, which is generally in the form of:

ax2+bx+c=0ax^2 + bx + c = 0
you can use the quadratic formula

which will give two roots for the polynomial.

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