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Specific Heats of Solids and Heat Transfer Calculator

This calculator computes for the specific heat, which is a crucial concept in thermodynamics and heat transfer analysis. It is used to calculate the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a certain amount of a substance by a certain temperature interval.

Check out the specific heat data list for varying materials and heat transfer calculator below!





Temperature Difference


Specific Heat

Heat required

q = cp mdtq\ =\ c_p * m * d_t


Specific heat is a material property that determines how much heat energy it can store per unit of temperature change. It is usually denoted by the symbol 'c' and is measured in units of energy per degree of temperature per unit mass, typically Joules per kilogram per Kelvin (J/kg/K) or calories per gram per degree Celsius (cal/g/°C). 

The energy required to heat a product can be calculated as:

q = cp mdtq\ =\ c_p * m * d_t

Where:q=heat required (kJ)cp=specific heat (kJ/kg K, Co)dt=temperature difference (K,Co)\text{Where:} \\ q=heat\ required\ (kJ) \\ c_p=specific\ heat\ (kJ/kg\ K,\ C^o)\\d_t=temperature\ difference\ (K,C^o)

Solids and their Specific Heats

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