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Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are innovative and environmentally friendly devices that function on the principles of thermodynamics. This article will give a comprehensive overview of heat pumps and present different equations for considering heat pumps.
Heat pumps are significant in heating and cooling in residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Heat pumps are versatile and efficiently transfer heat from a low-temperature source; for example, transferring heat from outdoor air or the ground to a higher-temperature space, such as a building's interior. Using a refrigeration cycle, heat pumps can also cool and heat, making them highly adaptable.
Check out our heat pump calculator to perform these calculations!


Here are some important definitions to keep in mind for heat pumps!
  1. Efficiency: performance measure.
  2. Sink: a reservoir that absorbs heat energy.
  3. Source: a reservoir that supplies heat energy.
In a heat pump, the sink is the surrounding and the source is the system.
Figure 1: Diagram of Heat Pump

The following are the variables for the equations

  1. β = the heating coefficient of performance.
  2. Q = the heat energy. i.e. Q(2) supplied to the heat pump.
  1. T = the temperature. i.e. T(1) is the temperature at state 1.
  2. W = work done by the system, the net heat absorbed.

Coefficient of performance:



Use this calculator to solve these equations!

This technology's ability to move heat rather than generate heat enables heat pumps to be energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable. Heat pumps have contributed much to reducing energy consumption and minimising environmental impact.
As the world increasingly focuses on sustainable solutions, comprehending the principles and applications of heat pumps becomes increasingly important to advance modern heating and cooling technology.

Additional Resources

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  1. Check out our library of templates here.
  1. Diesel Cycle
  2. Duel Combustion Cycle
  3. Brayton Cycles
  4. Power Cycles
  5. Heat Engines
  6. Refrigeration
  7. Introduction to Thermodynamics
  8. Importance of Mechanical Engineering Calculation Templates


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  1. Energy Education. 2023. Coefficient of performance. [ONLINE] Available at: https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Coefficient_of_performance#:~:text=The%20cooling%20coefficient%20of%20performance,pumps%2C%20refrigerators%20or%20air%20conditioners. [Accessed 31 October 2023].
  2. LinkedIn. 2023. Important Thermodynamic Concepts. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7095576421120548864?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop. [Accessed 24 October 2023].