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Welcome to our buoyancy calculator! The buoyancy force is the upward force that a fluid exerts on a submerged object, countering the object's weight.
Here, you will find an overview of the concept of buoyancy and will be able to calculate upthrust (the buoyancy force on an object in a fluid).



Density of Fluid, kgm^-3

Volume of Displaced Fluid


Acceleration Due to Gravity , ms^-2


Buoyancy Force


As we know from calculating the static pressure in a fluid, pressure increases with depth. If we consider a column of fluid, the pressure at the bottom is greater than the pressure at the top.

In this same way, the pressure at the bottom of a submerged object is greater than the pressure at the top of the object. This results in a net upward force due to the pressure difference and is proportional to this difference in pressure. As explained by Archimedes' principle, this force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Buoyancy force on a submerged object

⛵️ Archimedes Principle

We calculate buoyancy force using the following equation:

Fbuoyancy=ρgVF_{buoyancy} = \rho gV

Fbuoyancy=Buoyancyforce(N)ρ=Densityoffluid(kgm3)g=Accelerationduetogravity(ms2)Vi=Volumeofdisplacedfluid(m3)F_{buoyancy} = Buoyancy \: force \: (N) \\ \rho = Density \: of \: fluid \: (kgm^{-3}) \\ g = Acceleration \: due \: to \: gravity \: (ms^{-2}) \\ V_i = Volume \: of \: displaced \: fluid \: (m^3)

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