This calculator graphs a user-specified function on a cartesian plane. It also tabulates the x and y values in a specified range.
Minimum x-value
Maximum x-value
Number of points
📝 Guide on function notation
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What is a function?
A function establishes that for each value of x, there is a corresponding value of y under an explicit rule or formula. We can say, by definition, that "y is a function of x". Mathematically this is written as:
This calculator's inputs can be mathematically expressed as:
y=f(x)=[function],[min. value]≤x≤[max. value]
Function is the equation y as a function of x. Use Python notation in this calculator
Minimum x-value is the minimum value of x in it's range
Maximum x-value is the maximum value of x in it's range
Number of points is the number of points to be plotted
What is the cartesian coordinate plane?
The cartesian coordinate plane is a 2-dimensional area with two perpendicular numbered axes to specify a location. The horizontal line is called the "x-axis", while the vertical line is called the "y-axis". An x-value and a y-value can describe a location
, also called a "point". The intersection of these two axes is called the "origin", where both x and y are equal to zero. The coordinate axes divide the plane into four regions called quadrants.
Cartesian coordinate plane, showing the x & y sign convention in each of the four quadrants
Common Types of Functions
Discover common types of functions in the toggles below.