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Energy–momentum Relation Calculator

This calculator evaluates various equations relating to the energy-momentum relation.
This is done with the equations below.

General Energy-Momentum Equation

The general energy-momentum equation is as follows:

E2=(pc)2+(m0c2)2,  E=(pc)2+(m0c2)2E^2= (pc)^2+(m_0c^2)^2,\ \therefore\ E = \sqrt{(pc)^2+(m_0c^2)^2}

Here are the variables of the equation


Mass, m(0)

Speed of light, c
:299,792,458.00m / s

Momentum, p


Energy, E

E=(pc)2+(m0c2)2E = \sqrt{(pc)^2+(m_0c^2)^2}

Special Case 1: Massless Particle

When a particle is massless, like, for example, a photon, the energy-momentum relation can be simplified. In the massless particle case, the equation is denoted as below.

E = pcE\ =\ pc


Particle momentum, p

Speed of light, c
:299,792,458.00m / s


Particle energy, E

E = pcE\ =\ pc

Special Case 2: Correspondence Principle

The energy-momentum equation, according to the correspondence principle, is as follows:

E=12m0v2+m0c2E= \frac{1}{2}m_0v^2+m_0c^2

Here are the variables of the equation

  1. E = the energy.
  2. c = the speed of light.
  3. m = the mass, i.e. m(0) is the mass when the object is at rest.
  4. p = the momentum.


Rest mass, m(0)

Speed of light, c

Velocity, v
:0.50m / s


Case 2 Energy, E

E=12m0v2+m0c2E= \frac{1}{2}m_0v^2+m_0c^2

Special Case 3: Centre of Momentum Frame

When a particle, or body, is in its rest frame, the centre of momentum frame, the energy-momentum relation equation can be simplified to the equation below. This is a result of the velocity equalling zero.

E0=m0c2E_0 = m_0c^2


Mass of particle, m(0)

Speed of light, c


Energy, E(0)

E0=m0c2E_0 = m_0c^2

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