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  1. Create a new page by clicking the "+" next to PROJECTS in the left-hand side menu


  1. Make a copy by going to "" at the top right of your space window

  1. or "•••" in the left sidebar next to the page


Organise your work by adding and nesting pages.
  1. Within an existing page use "/sub page" or "+" in the sidebar to create a new sub-page.

Drag & Drop

  1. Reorder and reposition pages by dragging and dropping them in the left-hand side menu.
  1. You will see a green highlight where the page will be placed as you drag it. A green highlight between two page titles indicates that the page will be moved between those two pages on the same level. If the green highlight covers a single page, the page you are moving will become a subpage of the highlighted page.

View in action

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Page Layout
Learn how to make changes to how you view your pages