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Room Ventilation Calculator: Area Method

The calculation is designed to help you calculate the required rate of ventilation in a room based on the size of the room.



Ventilation Rate per Square Metre

Area of Space


Rate of Ventilation, L/s


Rate of ventilation in a room refers to the amount of air that is exchanged in the space between the outside environment and the interior of the room over a given period of time. This calculator uses the area of the room and the required ventilation rate per square metre to calculate the required rate of ventilation.

RV=ARVrR_V = A_R*V_r

RV=OverallRateofVentilation(Ls1)AR=AreaofRoom(m2)Vr=VentilationRateperSquareMetre(Ls1m2)R_V=Overall \: Rate \: of \: Ventilation \: (Ls^{-1}) \\A_R=Area \: of \: Room\: (m^2) \: \\ V_r=Ventilation \: Rate \: per \: Square \: Metre \: (Ls^{-1}m^{-2})
💡 Make sure to check recommendations and standards for ventilation rate per square meter depending on your particular situation.

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