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Transform Your Engineering Spreadsheets into Web Apps with CalcTree: A Step-by-Step Guide 's banner

Transform Your Engineering Spreadsheets into Web Apps with CalcTree: A Step-by-Step Guide

The AEC industry is built on spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are intuitive for data entry and visualisation. You can easily organise data in the "visual" tabulated interface, from which common data manipulation can be performed. However, spreadsheets do have their limitations. They can get very complicated very quickly. Often only the author really understands how the sheet works and what assumptions and simplifications are baked in. Spreadsheets also have limitations in shareability.
CalcTree offers a solution enabling you to convert your Spreadsheet scripts into web applications, making them more accessible and shareable. This article will show you how to transform your Spreadsheet into a web app using CalcTree.

What is CalcTree?

CalcTree, is a calculation management platform. You can sign-up and build hosted, shareable web apps (complete with an API and a web publishing module) with tools like Python and Spreadsheets. Learn more here!

Let's explore the three basic steps to convert your spreadsheet into a web app using CalcTree.

We will follow with an example calculation of a Concrete Column Designer to AS3600.

Step 1: Add a Spreadsheet Integration to CalcTree

In CalcTree, add a "Spreadsheet" source using the Integrations panel on the right-hand side of your page.
Select Spreadsheet from the integrations panel

Step 2: Map Input and Output Parameters into CalcTree

Click on the spreadsheet source in the Integrations panel to open up the spreadsheet 'source viewer', which is a view of the spreadsheet that appears at the bottom of your page. In the source viewer, map the required inputs to your CalcTree page by clicking on the "+" in each cell. Alternatively you can map whole tables.
Select one or more required cells and click on "+" to map the parameter onto your CalcTree page

👉Tip: type "/" on your CalcTree page to open up the list of page components. Add text, headings, bullet points and columns to layout your report however you please. Move the parameters around your page to lay out your calculation in a logical order.
Here's an example of what the input and output parameters might look like for the column design:


Column cross-section with symbols used in this calculator

Material Properties



:32.8 GPa

:200 GPa

:500 MPa


:30 MN

:50 kN

:350 kN m

Column Restraints

End #1:

Rotation - #1

Translation - #1

End #2:

Rotation - #2

Translation - #2

Section and Reinforcement Geometry

:6 m

:600 mm

:600 mm

Tensile Reinforcement,


:32 mm

No. of Ast bars

:30 mm

Compressive Reinforcement,


:32 mm

No. of Asc bars

:30 mm

Shear Reinforcement:

Stirrup diameter
:12 mm

Spacing of legs
:200 mm

Number of legs


Interaction Curve (combined flexural and axial check)

(M*, N*) < Interaction curve

Squash Load:

SL - ϕ

SL - φNuo

Decompression Point:

DP - ku

DP - ϕ

DP - ϕNu

DP - ϕMu
:594.8kN m

Balanced Point:

BP - ku

BP - ϕ

BP - ϕNu

BP - ϕMu
:960kN m

Pure Bending:

PB - kuo

PB - ϕ

PB - ϕMu
:689kN m

Step 3: Publish and Share Your Web App

Publish your app using the Share button in the top right-hand corner of your CalcTree page, making it available for your team or clients to use from anywhere.

👉See the live calculation here: Concrete Column Designer to AS3600


CalcTree offers a solution for transforming your spreadsheet calculations into interactive web applications. By following the three basic steps outlined in this article, you can convert your spreadsheet into a user-friendly web app, benefitting from enhanced transparency, better variable naming and easy sharing. This not only streamlines the calculation process but also promotes a more collaborative and efficient workflow within your organisation.

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